Saturday, December 24, 2011

Rejected and Alone

Christmas can be a very difficult time for those who are alone or have lost someone they love. Feelings of abandonment, rejection and depression can easily seep in. A dear, divorced friend of mine whose children are now grown and distant, was sharing with me how this time of year can be exceptionally lonely. My heart goes out to all in this situation. I can't help but think of Jesus. "He was despised and rejected, a man of many sorrows and familiar with suffering" (Isaiah 53:3). Those closest to him walked away and betrayed him in his darkest hour.

What about you? Are you like my friend, feeling all alone this holiday season? If so, take comfort in knowing that Jesus can relate! I say, if you are feeling alone, look up and look out. Look up to Christ, and tell him what you're feeling. Don't worry, you're not complaining: you're just being honest with a God who loves you. How about playing some soft worship music to set the atmosphere of your home? Pandora has a huge selection.

Next, look out. Who can you bless this holiday season? Remember, not all blessings involve money. Who do you know that is alone? What about someone in a nursing home? We know they are often rejected and left alone day after day. How about that neighbor you barely know? I've learned that in order to get what you want, you've got to give what you've got. If you need love, give some. If you need friendship, be a friend. If you need peace, make some. As you begin to "look out," watch your own feelings of loneliness evaporate.

As we begin to take the focus off of our own need, and look after the needs of others, God is able to do his "magic" and fill our lives and hearts with love, peace and joy.

Merry Christmas to all of you, and especially those who feel rejected and alone!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Today was my mother's younger sister's funeral. All who knew my Aunt Marilyn loved her. I seriously doubt she had one enemy. Even her ex-husband's family and the family of her ex-daughter-in-law came to not only show their support, but to openly weep with those of us who wept. Sadly, sometimes it's only in death that the true life of someone really shines forth.

As I continue to reflect on the events of today, I realize that it is not in the lofty words we speak, the new ventures that come our way or even the pursuit of our own happiness that makes living life worthwhile. It's in the simple hug of a loved one we haven't seen in years, the easy banter between childhood friends reminiscing over memories of long ago and the simplistic knowing that we are right on target in where we should be in our lives.

Someone once said that "happiness is the highest human emotion." I'd like to offer another take. I say, "Living life fulfilled (whole and complete with a sense of joy and purpose--my definition) surpasses any human emotion! For happiness is a temporary fix induced by chance. Fulfillment is on a whole other level. It is a sense of wholeness in which happiness cannot compare

I suppose that's the beauty in the death of a believer. There is true fulfillment knowing you have touched the lives of others in a deep, profound way that will far outlive you.

So it's now up to you. What are you grappling after? pining over? regretting? Let today be a new day full of new dreams . . . not dreams of materialistic possessions or notoriety, but in finding your "sweet spot"--the place where you become fulfilled.